Understanding Dry Skin: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

From the small baby to the elderly grandparent, the empty nursery to the adult churchgoer, everyone is affected in one way or another. It is usually more of a concern in winter, but dry skin (ผิว แห้ง, which is the term in Thai) will disturb you through the seasons. It is often accompanied by itchiness and flaking. It experiences redness as a normal condition and continues into cracking, making it a major target for infection. This blog will take you through the causes and symptoms of dry skin, along with treatment options and preventive measures.

What Causes Dry Skin?

Environmental Factors

Be it winter, with cold weather, low humidity, and artificial heating indoors, all of which steal moisture from the skin. This is how the dryness of the skin is experienced by so many both within and outside. Then, of course, even with extreme sun exposure, the skin also becomes so easily dehydrated and is susceptible to peeling and other irritations.

Harsh Skincare Products

Some soaps, cleaners, or skincare products have such pronounced fragrance or the presence of excessive amounts of alcohol that they do not suit everyone and may cause itching on the skin. This breaks the normal moisture barrier of the skin, leaving the skin dry.


With the advancing age of the skin comes a natural deficiency of oil that leads to dry skin. There is also a reduced capacity to retain moisture in the skin with age. This is why there is rough, dry skin.

How to Treat and Prevent Dry Skin

  1. Moisturize Regularly: The best way to combat dry skin includes applying a thick, rich moisturizer all over the dry surface. Look for those moisture-holding agents like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides.
  2. Avoid Hot Showers: Hot water strips the natural oils from your skin. Shower in lukewarm water instead to avoid excessive drying.
  3. Use Gentle Skincare Products: Use very mild, non-fragrant cleansers and soaps. Avoid harsh mechanical exfoliators that cause your skin to flare.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Water is your constant companion throughout the day to keep your body hydrated from within and also your skin.


Indeed, most causes of dry skin may result in great discomfort and sometimes pain, but the same can be controlled by proper self-care and lifestyle changes. Understand dry skin from its causes and symptoms, and once you know what it is, then you can do something about keeping your skin healthy, well-hydrated, and looking at its best. Moisturizers, combinations of gentler products in your routine, or making some environmental changes in your life may help maintain hydrated skin, which is a magic ingredient to go around with your skin comfortably and confidently without worry.

Jermaine Wyman

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